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Ljubo Bešlić

Ljubo Bešlić

Mayor, Mostar

He was born in July 27th, 1958 in Mostar.

He also finishes elementary school, secondary school and the faculty of engineering in Mostar. During his education, he actively goes in for sport in the Handball club „Velez“.

After finishing the university education, he works as a professor at the secondary school for engineering in Mostar. Later on, he works for the Printing firm „Rade Bitanga“ - Mostar as the Director of the Maintenance service.

He is actively involved in the mother-country war. At the NATO in Brussels 1996, he educates himself in the field of the implementation of the reduction of weapons. Afterwards, he becomes the member of the Working team for the organization of the Federal Ministry of defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

After the organization of the Ministry, he continues to work for the same Ministry in Sarajevo, as the Head of the Technical Department of the Sector for logistics.

He is elected deputy-mayor of the City of Mostar in December 2003 and mayor in December 2004. He is re-elected mayor of the City of Mostar in December 2009.

Mayor Beslic also held position of the Chairman of the Association of the cities and municipalities of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina from March 2007 until April 2009.

He is married and the father of three children.

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